Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres.(Montauban, 1780 – París,  1867), pintor francés.

Self-portrait at age 24.1804.

Napoleon I on His Imperial Throne.1806. 

La Grande baigneuse.1808.

Oedipus and the Sphinx.1808.

Jupiter and Thetis.1811. 

Le songe d'Ossian.1812. 

Le songe d'Ossian (Ossian's dream).1813.

Perseus and Andromeda.1819.

Roger Delivering Angelica.1819. 

La Source.1820-56. 

The Apotheosis of Homer.1827. 

Martyr of Saint-Symphorien.1834.

Venus Anadyomène.1848. 

Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII.1854 . 

Le Bain turc.1862.

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