Corrado Giaquinto

Corrado Giaquinto (1703-1765) ,pintor italiano.

Moses Striking the Rock.1743-44.

The Brazen Serpent.1743-44.

Satan before the Lord.1750.  

Triumph of Galatea.1752.

The Battle of Clavijo.1755 -56.

The cup in Benjamin's sack.1757-58.

Spain pays homage to Religion and to the Church.1759.

Justice and Peace.1760.

The Birth of the Sun and the Triumph of Bacchus.1762.

St Margaret Contemplating the Sacred Heart of Jesus.1765.

Allegory of the Arts with Apollo and the Gracess.

Self Portrait.

The Trinity with Souls in Purgatory. 

Venus and Vulcan. 

Venus Presenting Arms to Aeneas.

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